Dejal Cracks: A Personal Message

Dear Potential Customer,

If you like Dejal software enough to hunt down a crack for it, why not just buy it? It's a lot less hassle and you won't risk infecting your computer with viruses, spyware and other malware commonly disguised as software cracks. Plus, when you buy the software you not only get updates, you also get prompt and friendly support directly from the developer.

Dejal is a small company. If you like my products and find them useful, please pay me for my hard work. You can download and try Dejal software for free via the icons at the right of this page, to see if you think it is worth the investment.

Ultimately, you decide whether independent software authors like me will continue to distribute low cost, high quality software on a try-before-you-buy basis.

Thank you for your support! If you have any concerns or questions, don't hestigate to get in touch.

David Sinclair,
Dejal Systems, LLC